Margaret’s premier presentation on finding your true light

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We are all meant to shine…” Marianne Williamson

When we were young, most of us were encouraged to “be ourselves” and find our passion. But somewhere along the path through puberty and to adulthood, our inner voice and external guidance vastly changed. Today, we find ourselves hiding our light and even being criticized for the very traits that make us unique and beautiful.

Women leaders in technology and business perhaps face this more than other groups, and all of us have learned to navigate this world in different ways. However, this is a global, human phenomenon. 

Join Margaret Dawson, as she takes us on her journey of rediscovering her true light, providing guidance and humor to help everyone remember not only what their inner light is but how to let it shine in spite of the critics and societal guidelines.  

Download the abstract here.