Being True To Yourself

What does it mean to be true to yourself?

It means being committed to having an accepting, and forgiving mindset, and being open-minded and fair to yourself! More importantly, it means that you will not let others define you, or make decisions for you because they think they know what’s best for you.

It also means not allowing chatter in your head that doesn’t belong there and paying attention to the voice inside that’s listening to your heart because your heart always knows what’s best for you.

Be true to yourself.

Finding Community at a Writing Retreat

Finding Community at a Writing Retreat

Recently, I spent five days at a writing retreat in Montana. As expected, we did a lot of writing and exploring with words and themes. But we created more than stories and scenes. We built a community of writers, sisters, and discoverers that will exist long after any of us publish our books.

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Learning How to Shine Your Light for the World

Learning How to Shine Your Light for the World

Margaret Dawson shares childhood memories of singing, frolicking, and enjoying an exuberant, light-filled youth. As we grow, our light can dim as we stray from what brings out the best in each of us. So how do we recapture our youthful light? We start by recognizing: our unique gifts to the world, our Inner beauty and power, our connection to the universe, and our potential to be all we can be.

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Why Am I Here? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Why Am I Here? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Ever ask yourself: “Why am I here?” The root of this burning question is often the result of internal feelings of insecurity or self-doubt. How many of us walk into a room feeling as though we’re not as smart, successful or beautiful as others in the room? The truth is that most of us feel this way! Recognizing that you’re perfect just the way you are, is the first step in understanding why you’re here, and how to shine your light.

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Margaret Dawson

Margaret Dawson

Margaret Dawson is a builder, a change agent, and a coach. She is a frequent public speaker and author on technology trends, women in tech, digital marketing, women supporting women and living intentionally.