Women Empowering Women
How do we intentionally support other women?
Showing intentional support is more important than ever if we want to really see change in the workplace. Oftentimes when women ‘make it to the top’ their mindset slowly changes to more of a protective role than a supportive one. It’s up to women —and men, to take a stand to hire more women at the exec level and ensure that women have a seat at the boardroom table. We can all improve how we show our support. And women, let’s be sure to point out the men that are doing a great job of empowering women.
Sexism: Just Another Day as a Woman In Tech
Sexism is one of those charged words. However, for most women in technology, it is sometimes a daily battle or at least a constant undercurrent. Even so, a recent experience of blatant sexism shocked me to the point I had to share.
The Power of Providing Intentional Support
As we continue exploring our theme of Women Empowering Women, we discuss how and why we should provide intentional support of each other. Here’s a story of a group of women who found a simple way to show intentional support, and other ideas of what we can do.
Women Empowering Women: 8 Actions to Take Now
Let’s face it, women aren’t always as supportive in the work-place as we’d like them to be. Especially when they’re climbing the corporate ladder. The first step in women empowering women is to check your own competitive nature at the door. Here are 8 actions we can take now.
Margaret Dawson
Margaret Dawson is a builder, a change agent, and a coach. She is a frequent public speaker and author on technology trends, women in tech, digital marketing, women supporting women and living intentionally.